The goal of USA Sport Karate is to provide a Consistent Experience and create Standards for Open Sport Karate Competition. This will provide a Fair, Professional and Motivating experience across all Events. Ny hosting events on a Local, State, Regional & National Level, Sport Martial Artists have an opportunity to compete close to where they live or or expand their competition area with the same consistent experience. For the more aggressive Sport Martial artist, there is a clear path to Championship Titles.
All events lead to qualifying to compete at The USA Sport Karate National Championship in Daytona Beach, Florida.
Every event with the USA Sport Karate carries a minimum of a National Point Ranking. Depending on the location and event rating, there may also be District and/or State Ratings attached.
In Florida, USA Sport Karate has 4 districts. This brings competition close to where you train.
Competitors who are members in their particular district receive District, State & National Points when competing in their district or Multi District events. When competing outside their district, Sport Martial Artists still receive National Points.
All events feature Grand Championship Point Fighting.
In 2024, we opened Georgia in the Atlanta Area. These events carry a State & National Rating.
These are Stand Alone, USA Sport Karate Sanctioned Events. They have a National Point Ranking.
As we build the base of events in New York, Pennsylvania & New Jersey. These events will have a National & Northeast Region Rating. The Season will culminate with The Northeast Regional Championship leading to the National Championship in Daytona Beach.
These events are 4 star Rated, Nicer Venues, Custom awards, Grand Championships in Weapons, Forms & Point Fighting and Prize Money for Adults.
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