Rules Summary
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Weapons & Forms Scoring
Beginners 91 – 99
Intermediate 91 – 99
Advanced 91 – 99
Black Belt 91 – 99
*Be consistent with your scoring & use hundredths
*2 competitors or Tie Breaker – Computer breaks tie if true tie than Referees will show flags
*There will be no deduction for the weapon touching the floor, only striking
All competitors will perform, track performance. Mandatory scoring: .91-.99. Cannot repeat your top 4 numbers, if you do you must adjust your scores. A score lower than .2 of the middle score, will be adjusted by Computer
Weapons & Forms Deductions by center referee
1.0 major loss/control of the weapon, hitting the floor, Loss of balance that results in a fall or touching of hand to the floor
restart, dropped weapon, creative movement in traditional division, use of foam weapons or incorrect weapon, no release of a weapon in Open Creative or Extreme no inversion in Extreme, Exceeding the 3 minute time limit, stepping outside the ring in Traditional Weapons or Forms
Criteria for Judging
Traditional Weapons – Please resolve weapons challenges prior to the start of a division – Must stay in the ring
- No gymnastics, acrobatics, splits or other freestyle type movements.
- Beginner- (1) Kick in any direction w/o touching their foot to the floor, Inter. up to 2 kicks, Adv/Black Belt up to 3 kicks
- Techniques may not involve any more than a 360-degree turn.
- Other than transitioning, both hands on weapon(s) at all times.
- Traditional natural wood color and construction
- Judging based on use manipulation & control of the weapon(s) then look at Balance, Stances, Focus, Technical, Presentation, & Difficulty
- No gymnastics, acrobatics, splits or other freestyle type movements.
- Beginner- (1) Kick in any direction w/o touching their foot to the floor, Inter. up to 2 kicks, Adv/Black Belt up to 3 kicks
- Techniques may not involve any more than a 360-degree turn.
- Judging based on Balance, Stances, Focus, Technical, Presentation, & Difficulty.
- All movements & gymnastics are allowed.
- Must have at least one release of weapon & one inversion.
- Music may or may not used.
- Weapon(s) must be in the athlete’s hand or hands at all times. Weapon(s) may not be used to strike the floor at anytime.
- Judging based on use manipulation, control of the weapon(s), creativity then look at Balance, Stances, Focus, Technical, Presentation, & Difficulty.
- All gymnastic, acrobatic, splits or other freestyle type movement allowed.
- Must have at least one inversion
- Music may or may not be used.
- Judging based on Creativity, Balance, Stances, Focus, Technical, Presentation, & Difficulty.
- Creative manipulation of the weapon is allowed, including but not limited to release of the weapon.
- Must have at least one release
- Techniques may not involve any more than a 360-degree turn.
- No music allowed.
- Judging based on the use, manipulation, control of the Weapon(s) then look at Balance, Stances, Focus, Technical, Presentation, & Difficulty.
- Judging based on Balance, Stances, Focus, Technical, Presentation, & Difficulty.
- Techniques may not involve any more than a 360-degree turn
Under Black Belt Point Sparring or Open Rank Point Sparring:
- Chest Protectors are Optional
- Touch Contact to Face Shield is a point
- There will be a 10 second time out for coaches in all age divisions.
- Contact warning is issued for all infractions except Boundary. All Warnings accumulate together
- All kicks and punches to body are 1 Pt, Jumping Kick to body or Head Kicks 2 pts, Jumping Head Kick 3 pts, 10 point spread ends match

KICK Light Contact Continuous: 2 round – 1:30 rounds unless otherwise determined
- Face Shield Optional
- Chest Protectors Optional for 11 & under, No chest protectors 12 & Up
- Light Contact to HEAD allowed
- There will be a 10 second time out for coaches in all age divisions.
- Winner will be determined by the most points at the end of 2 rounds
In all Sparring divisions bowing out in the first round without fighting at all, is a disqualification from the division, A step back must be taken after executing 4 techniques. If no step back is taken see penalty chart
Fighter Point Fighting Penalties – These all result in 1 point awarded to the opposing fighter
Fighter Stepping out of bounds without being physically forced, Fighter not ready to fight when called, Excessive Contact, Low Kicks, Unsportsmanlike Conduct Avoidance of Fighting by excessive falling,
2024 Modifications
Athletes must be ready to fight when called into the ring for their match. If any required equipment is missing, i.e., mouthpiece, cup, hand pads, etc., that causes the match to be delayed, this will result in 1 point awarded to the opposing athlete. avoid a point. This will result in 1 point awarded to the opposing athlete.
- Coaches must have their shirt on before sitting down to coach. If they do not, 1 point will be awarded to the opposing athlete.
- 1 coach on the side of the ring, sitting in the chair. If there is more than one coach, 1 point will be awarded to the opposing fighter. This includes athletes or team members from the same school.
- Coaches may not speak to officials during the match. Any negative talk about officials, verbal disagreement with calls, calling of points from the coach’s chair, results in 1 point awarded to the opposing fighter.
- A Coach can request arbitration by raising their flag. The center referee will then invite you in to discuss or come to you. If the arbitration is not resolved, the event arbitrator will be called. If the coach loses the arbitration, 1 point will be awarded to the opposing fighter.
- Coaches are only allowed on the floor while actively coaching. Violation results in a loss of coaching privileges for the day
- Gear changes; WAKO Approved Gear Recommended, Chest protectors, Shin & Elbow pads Optional, Face Shield is required for all 17 & Under, colored belts and 11 & Under Black Belts. Face Shield is Optional for 12-17 Black Belts and all Adults.
- Scoring Values; Kicks & Punches to the body – 1 Pt, Jumping Kick to body – 2 points, Kicks to the head 2 pts, Jump Kicks to head – 3 pts